The Jerusalem International Conference on Integrative Medicine- ICIM 2012

Within the last 100 years medicine has become a science-based profession. Modern medicine turned to be an Evidenced Based Medicine, and methods that aren’t proved experimentally are not considered medicine.
However, traditional treatment methods integrating human body and mind as a whole have yet remained. These methods flourish and prosper as more and more conventional physicians adopt and use them while treating their patients.

The interesting outcomes (and public demand) have led Acupuncture, as well as many other holistic methods, to become an inseparable part of the legitimate health system in many countries. We witness today pharmacists specializing in herbs and medical plants, and physicians participating in continuing education programs in therapy techniques that are not taught in medical schools at universities.

Based on its good results, Integrative Medicine grows and develops using methods from what was formerly known as Complementary Medicine and Alternative Medicine, and integrates them into the conventional medical treatment. This phenomenon (bearing economical and medical consequences) will influence physicians’ and therapists’ daily work and will project on local health systems in many countries.

Conference Topics

Motor System, Movement and Posture study, Muscular Skeletal Pain, Myofascial Pain
Nutrition, Dietary Supplements, Digestive System, Metabolic Diseases
Wellness and Aging, Preventive Medicine
Neurological Disorders, Cognitive Disorder, Memory Disturbance
Depression, Stress, Sleep Disturbances, Insomnia – Non Organic Origin
The Oncologic Patient
Chronic Headache
Cardiac Aspects, Hemodynamic System
Mind and Body Medicine

Congress Secretariat: Paragon-Conventions
18 Avenue Louis-Casai | 1209 Geneva | Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 5330 948 | Email: ilanab @

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