His Excellency Shripad Yesso Naik
Minister of AYUSH of the Government of India, responsible for the development and propagation of traditional medicine including Ayurveda in India and worldwide is among the invited speakers of this Congress.
The theme of the congress is: Traditional Natural Remedies from India and Europe,
Exploring a 340-Year Relationship between Netherlands and India
1 – 2 September 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands
This Congress takes its inspiration from an epic 17th century Dutch treatise on medicinal plants of the Western Ghats of South India called Hortus Malabaricus. The inspiration is to connect India, The Netherlands, and Europe through their rich botanical heritage and, at the same time, present the therapeutic potential of plants and the natural approaches to health available in Ayurveda and in traditional remedies from Europe. During the congress Ayurvedic scholars from different countries will present the scientific approach of Ayurveda as a prevention-oriented healthcare system.
The Hortus Malabaricus (Garden of Malabar) was compiled over a period of nearly 30 years and published, originally in Latin, in Amsterdam between 1678 and 1693 in 12 volumes. This treatise gives a detailed account of flora of Malabar region in South India, including copper plate engravings and detailed descriptions of 742 plants. This work was conceived by Hendrik van Rheede, Governor of Dutch Malabar, in collaboration with a team of nearly a hundred experts including Ranga Bhat, Vinayaka Pandit, Appu Bhat and Itti Achuden.
Cornelis is one of the speakers during the panel sessions on Sunday September 2 at 14:00.