VATAYANA 2014 – National Seminar on Neurodegenerative conditions in India

AyurVAID Discovery Foundation, in association with AyurVAID Hospitals, pioneer in quality systems driven classical Ayurveda Chikitsa, is happy to invite you to “VATAYANA 2014, National Seminar on Neuro-Degenerative Disorders & Neuro-Lesions”, on Friday, August 15, 2014 from 8.30 – 5.30 PM at ECA Hall, 100 ft. Road, Indira Nagar, Bangalore. We have an exceptional panel of senior scholar-clinicians from different parts of India as speakers who between them shall present different aspects of management of neurodegenerative disorders, a burning topic of the present, from diagnosis to treatments to outcome measurements, primarily from Ayurveda perspective, appropriately complemented with current perspective of modern medicine.

This will surely be a very informative day with the panel of experts on the subject from different parts of India. The seminar is mainly for BAMS Students, House Surgeons, MD scholars, practicing doctors and teaching staff. Please ensure your participation at the earliest.

The registration fee (payable as per details on the Registration Form) is as follows:
Category Early Bird
(by 25th July, 2014) Standard
(25.7.14 to 10.8.14) Late Bird
(10.8.14 to 15.8.14)
Medicos Rs. 600.00 Rs. 750.00 Rs. 900.00
MD Scholars and Working professionals Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1,500.00 Rs. 2.000.00
This fee includes lunch, tea, and the delegate kit. The delegate will receive a name badge, stationery kit on the day of the seminar and the souvenir within a fortnight. Payment details are provided on the Registration Form.
The team of senior Ayurveda physicians at AyurVAID takes responsibility for and control over the content and conduct of this program, which will be independent, balanced, scientifically based and free from any bias. If you have any questions or you need to reach us for any reason, please reach Dr. Varun Gupta at 080-26584840, or 09900439236 who will enable prompt clarification/support.
Only the first 300 registrations with full payment will be able to attend this event. We request you to confirm your participation in advance, on or before 25th July 2014.
In the service of Ayurveda,
Dr. Radhika Varma, BAMS, MD (Ay), PhD.
Secretary, Organizing Committee, VATAYANA 2014

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