Nieuwe Cursus!! Control and Prevent Alzheimer.

Dementie blijft meest voorkomende doodsoorzaak in Nederland, gevolgd door longkanker.

In 2016 stierven meer dan 15 duizend Nederlanders aan dementie, 7 procent meer dan in 2015. Dementie is daarmee de meest voorkomende doodsoorzaak in Nederland. Dit blijkt uit de nieuwe cijfers van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS). (Article in the Volkskrant on July 19th, 2017)

One of the biggest threat facing humanity is the growing group of people struggling with dementia.
And from this growing group, 70% develops Alzheimer.


How to prevent that?

And if you diagnosed with early stage of Alzheimer, what can you do to improve your health?

I firmly believe that there are many things that you can do to stop this mental disease.

To feel Healthy, Vital and Energetic even when you get older is everybody’s wish.

Together with my team, I developed a Ten Days Course on this topic. In this course, I give you all the information that I collected throughout my life from Natures Wisdom and the Kani tribes.

I want to share my lessons with listeners who are in need of this secret and sacred knowledge.

It is high time to open the portal to this ancient wisdom.

Who is doctor V.P. Mohana Kumari?

I am an Ayurvedic doctor, mom, teacher and an entrepreneur. My greatest inspiration is Nature and my most excellent teachers where the Kani tribes in my home country India. I did 15 years research among them and learned more from them then I did during my degree course at the University of Kerala. The Kani tribes have no serious disease like cancer or dementia. They are extremely healthy and reach very high ages without any disease. It is their secret that I want to share with you during this course.

Control and prevent Alzheimer course
Control and prevent Alzheimer 

When start the course and what is the fee?

The course start on 19th of November 2017. I speak English so the course will be in English. After completion you receive a certificate. The fee for this course is €2500,-. The course dates are: 19/11, 3/12, 7/1-2018, 4/2, 4/3, 1/4, 6/5, 3/6, 1/7, 5/8.

Who should attend this course?

Doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, caregivers and everybody else who needs to know more about healthy aging with mind-blowing lessons from Nature itself.

Where is the course given?

Europa Ayurveda College – Witharenweg 9, 7738 PE in Witharen
Time: 11:00-16:00
Lunch and tea : included in the fee
Parking is free.

Join the course.

I am looking forward to meeting you at my College in Witharen and teach you everything I know about healthy aging and to control and prevent Alzheimer.

Download registrationform
Book your seat in time.

What do you want to ask me more?

Leave your comment in the below form if you have any questions.

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