Ayurveda, Moeder van Alle Medicijnen

Still from the film Mother of All Medicines
De introductie vertelt u over de achtergronden en filosofie van Ayurveda. Asthastana Pareeksha laat u zien hoe een Ayurvedisch consult verloopt.
Preventief en helend is de Pancha Karma kuur. Via de ogen van een cliënt wordt deze behandeling tot in detail vertoond.
Tot slot de unieke aanpak om mentale problemen via een eeuwenoude spirituele kleuren therapie op te lossen.

Review van een Ayurveda therapeut

As a practitioner of alternative medicine and a student of Ayurveda at the Europe Ayurvedic College in Holland, I feel inspired to share my impressions on a highly educative and easily accessible film about the founder and mother of all medicine; Ayurveda. There is a growing need to be more informed nowadays about preventive and holistic medicine. A very appealing way to be introduced into these holistic ways is to be taken by Vighnesh Maharaj Peters on a journey, whereby he involves us as viewers because of his very natural way of filming. The film depicts the humane and caring approach of the Ayurvedic Doctor and the client, We can also see how little we are accustomed in making real contact. Because the consultations are held in a practice in Holland it brings the inheritance of the ancient Indian culture at our doorstep.

Vighnesh is part Indian and part Dutch from his fathers side, this makes him a young bridge builder, who is able through the medium of film to pass on the ancient knowledge of his culture and background, in a contemporary and creative way. First we are introduced in the film what Ayurveda really means, then we witness some different consultations in the practice of Dr. Mohana Kumari in Amsterdam. Towards the end of the film we are introduced into the Ayurvedic colour therapy, by seeing different Kalams ( colourful mandala’s ) moving in special way across the screen. These images and this knowledge have never been shown before and are shared also to show the highly spiritual connection with the divine and that these two approaches belong together. The spiritual and the science of medicine. This defines the very nature and character of this young filmmaker, his earthly and spiritual approach to film making. Being able to translate for us other ways of seeing and living a conscious live. To me this film deserves to find its place in the film world of today and applies for encouragement on an international level. We need more films with a deeper message, as we people are hungry to find out our true nature.

U kunt deze, en andere films bestellen in onze webshop www.earp.nl.

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1 thought on “Ayurveda, Moeder van Alle Medicijnen”

  1. Ik lijdt aan agora fobie,dat is straat plein en winkel angst.kunnen jullie mij daar van genezen met therapie of medicijnen.groetjes timmy poppe(tel 03/296 09 10)

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